Wilson Tool leads the industry with service, quality and innovation and offers the most comprehensive tooling line available for the punch press. Whether you need standard or special shapes; thick or thin turret; Wiedemann®, Salvagnini or Trumpf®-style tooling, our solutions will optimize your performance.
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![TRF URETH SLTNG PCH ASSY >60-76.2MM](/medias/trumpf-style-parting-26763-rnd-19.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w1Nzg0N3xpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFHWTFMMmczWmk4NE9ESTJOREV3TlRBd01USTJMM1J5ZFcxd1ppMXpkSGxzWlMxd1lYSjBhVzVuTFRJMk56WXpMWEp1WkMweE9TNXFjR2N8Y2NmYjg4OTIzMTlhNzY3YzI1ZWY2MDIwNTVjMGI2MzQzOTFjOGQ5OTVlNjMwYWUwYzM0M2U3MzBhZjA2NDU2OA)
Parting and slitting are common practices in sheet metal fabrication. Whether you are parting nested parts or straightening the edge of the sheet, you need a product that is rigid and delivers a long tool life. Wilson Tool developed TRUMPF-style parting products specifically to maximize your productivity for these applications. Even when punching close to a form.
Standard Parting Punch Assembly is a solid size 2 punch with replaceable wedged urethane strippers mounted on the sides to allow punching close to forms without crushing them.
Parting Tool Die has a removable insert that can be replaced at lower cost than a conventional die.
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